I received back from my new editor, we'll just call her Leslie, her red marks on the first 72 pages (double spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman, of course) of my novel-in-progress, Sagebrush at Stony Creek, and I devoured her comments and had a good glance at my own writing style as well. Now I wonder if my beginning hooks the reader enough. It isn't particularly clever, but it does immediately bring into play an ominous knife (and knife thrower), later to play some role in my novel. Might that hook someone. It's an Indian vs. Rancher tale. I can see this knife being a main element on the cover of the published novel, but that would be the call of the publisher. What's up with that knife? That's what I'm hoping the browsing shopper would think. Even the final title will be determined by the publisher; that's what I've heard.
Well, anyway, I use these things " ... " too much and commas not enough. Most the marks were just not getting hyphenated words right and make some homonym goofs. I saw a few word clusters she caught. I'm thrilled and will get busy implementing the corrections I think will help the story, probably 90% of the editor's suggestions. Somehow, it's easier to feel motivated when someone else is active in the project with me.
Write on. ;^)