Sunday, September 20, 2009

What are you doing Tuesday?

I will be reading my best works on the first Tuesday of October. Here's a reminder for anyone who wants to hear 20 minutes of entertaining, thoughtprovoking, easily understood poetry. Please do attend, smile, cry, throw vegetables, whatever, or just say "hi." For details, read on.

-- Richard Burns Reads His Poetry --

Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2009, 7:30PM

Art Object Gallery
592 North 5th Street
San Jose, CA 95112
(It’s near Jackson Street.)

I've been invited by Linda Lappin, Vice President of PCSJ, to open their Tuesday evening open mike. I will read Award Winners "Cold Temptation" and "TV Is Somethin' " and more. My works include two poems published in the South Bay Writers inaugural anthology, Who Are Our Friends? and Other Works by South Bay Writers, edited by Meredy Amyx, including "America, Don't Pass Me By."

There is an open mike scheduled, one poem from each reader, I think, after my part of the evening.

The evening is sponsored by PCSJ (Poetry Center San Jose ), a poetry club dedicated to the art of poetry and supporting the works of local poets. Find out more about the sponsor at .

A small map:

Friday, September 11, 2009

eMail Me At ...

My eMail Address changed on 10 Sep 2009 as follows:

If you're someone who contacts me, you should update my email address in your contact list. Or to send me any comments and questions you don't want on the blog, now you know where to send it.

I thank you. -rb